ASMTA Festival Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
What is it?
The ASMTA (Arkansas State Music Teachers Association) Festival is a piano competition consisting of playing two contrasting works from the ASMTA syllabus in a private audition with a judge, a written music theory test, and a live musicianship test. There are 12 levels students can participate in: A, B, 1-10. There are one or two winners and alternates chosen from each level, and winners are invited to play at the state competition in June. This year the state competition is June 7 at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, AR.
While this event is a competition, students of all abilities can register. I encourage participation as all students will grow as musicians through preparation. Students need to be ready and willing for the extra practice and study time required.
Key Dates for 2024-2025
- December: Decision to work towards participation
- December 11: First Festival Piece Assigned
- January 13: Second Festival Piece Assigned and theory workbook assigned
- February 8: Optional Master Class with Dr. Yang
- March 17-21: Decision Week! Both pieces memorized and theory completed
- March 21: Registrations and fee of $25 due to the teacher
- April 12: Performance Class at the studio
- TBA: Regional Recitals for ASMTA participants
- April 26: Festival Day @ University of Arkansas
Start Preparation
Participating in festivals can be a rewarding part of piano lessons. Early preparation will give a student the best chances of success. I usually start preparation in December for most students.
Decision Week
Your music should be fully memorized before Spring Break so that the decision can be made to continue on with registration for the festival. If you are going to enter, please bring $25 this week to your lesson.
Piano Performance Class
Performance classes are for students to play their music for a group of peers. It’s a great opportunity to find out how far you’ve come, and how much more work you need to dedicate to polishing your music.
Regional Recitals
These are organized just for festival participants. All performers must perform from memory, so this is a great test of how ready you are for the festival. These are usually limited to 8-10 students per teacher.
Please note: If you miss both the Performance Class and the Regional Recitals, you absolutely must plan your own run through. It should be somewhere that has a grand piano, and could be at a church, school, or a home where family and friends will be present. Professional musicians frequently organize warm-up recitals before big events; you should do the same!
Festival Day
Please bring your original score with measures numbered.
Dress for success; comfortable yet professional.
Arrive in plenty of time to play at your assigned time and take your tests.